Project: Political Economy of Reconciliation

Achieving reconciliation is difficult and takes time. This video is based on research conducted by Angelika Rettberg and colleagues on the meanings and the factors shaping reconciliation in Colombia. It shows that age, gender, religion, income, region, and experience with violence matter when it comes to defining who are the most, and the least, likely groups to be willing to engage in reconciliation efforts.

People experience pain and hope in different ways. Women, for example, are overall more sceptical about reconciliation. However, this changes when they feel empowered or hold positions of leadership, in which case they may become reconciliation champions. Urban youth are very likely partners of reconciliation. Men are more likely to demand material retributions for reconciliation to move forward. In sum, a wide spectre of factors has an impact on whether people want to reconcile and what they expect to happen for reconciliation to occur.

You can watch a summary version of why taking the past into account when looking at the present is vital in reconciliation processes here.

The video seeks to facilitate conversations and discussions on these topics. For more information go to: