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Gender, Governance, and Peacebuilding: Institutional Reform in Jordan, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka
Focussing on the development of gender-related governance arrangements in conflict affected countries.
Culture and Conflict
Investigating the value of culture to women in conflict settings.
Return, Reintegration and Political Restructuring
This research project explores and analyses the gender experiences of returnees (forced and voluntary) in Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Narrating (in)security
Using applied theatre approaches and videography, the project engages with a group of Tamil women living in Batticaloa, in the eastern province of Sri Lanka whose lives have been affected by the conflict.
When Women Do Not Own Land: Land Ownership and Women’s Empowerment in Sri Lanka
Exploring the relationship between land security and women’s empowerment in Sri Lanka.
Legacies of the Disappeared: Missing Children and Parental Harm in Protracted Social Conflict
A comparative, context-specific examination of the harm suffered by parents in the aftermath of their children’s disappearances.
The Potentialities and Politics of Transformation
This study engages with the politics and potentialities of transformative justice in this highly dynamic and evolving socio-political environment.
Gender and Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka
This two-part project explores key political, ethical and methodological challenges involved in the production of politically actionable knowledge about conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence in Sri Lanka.
Rights Research with Social Media
This research examines the characteristics and implications of backlash to transitional and gender justice, particularly as expressed on social media, among academic and activist circles in Guatemala, Colombia, Uganda, and Sri Lanka.
Gender and Forced Displacement
Measuring how gender inequalities are affected by forced displacement in Afghanistan, Kurdistan-Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Turkey.