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Addressing Post-Colonial Legacies in Transitional Justice
This project aims to see what role transitional justice can play in relation to colonial harms.
Women's Rights After War
Understanding which women benefit from women’s empowerment reforms in the aftermath of armed conflict.
Political Economy of Reconciliation
Understanding reconciliation in Colombia in all its complexity.
Women's Political and Economic Empowerment
This project’s historical dataset is the first in Colombia to bring this data together and disaggregate by gender.
Land Reform, Peace and Informal Institutions
Delving into the implementation and effects of land restitution in Colombia.
Donor Funding and WPS Implementation
Researching the dynamics between donors and women’s peace organisations.
From Female Combatants to Filmmakers – Expanding Women’s Agency in War and Peace
The stories of female ex-combatants in Colombia and Uganda.
Rights Research with Social Media
This research examines the characteristics and implications of backlash to transitional and gender justice, particularly as expressed on social media, among academic and activist circles in Guatemala, Colombia, Uganda, and Sri Lanka.