This book seeks to contribute to the theoretical analysis of the Colombian Peace Agreement from a socio-legal perspective that investigates the content of the agreement and its possibilities of implementation. To this end, the book connects contemporary discussions about transitional justice theory with the Colombian context in the search for two purposes. On the one hand, to demonstrate how the binary evaluation logics of this type of process contribute very little to a productive vision of the multiple factors that intervene in the construction of this type of agreement; and on the other hand, to contextualize the Colombian process and the mechanisms that result from the Peace Agreement in order to determine its degree of novelty in comparison with other experiences. Each of the studies that make up the work reflect the richness of the discussions, the complexity of the issues involved, the ideological and value disputes behind the proposals, as well as the impact that these had in order to be included as mechanisms in the agreement. In this way, these texts show how these processes were plagued by power and influence relationships in different directions, leveraged by various alternate and parallel causes. In short, they show a transitional justice in struggle.