Since its inception, the WRAW team has yearned to understand the complexities surrounding women’s rights in post-conflict regions. We have also questioned, and will continue to question, what forms of knowledge are privileged across academic disciplines in attending to peace, justice, and care in the aftermath of violence. As such, our digital archive honors creative endeavors as important avenues that allow us to sit with, think through, and feel the complexities of the various aftermaths of our present moment.

Each of these works was funded (in part or entirely) by the WRAW project. Some projects came into existence as contributors to our 2021 call for papers on care and resistance reached beyond the page to collaborate with local communities. Others were projects that our in-country partnerships were involved in that we wanted to support. And some are works created by the WRAW team as we learn what it means to think outside the confines of our academic and disciplinary trainings. What all these projects share is that they explore the expressive, creative, and affective ways that community power and solidarity is built and are invested in how people cultivate an embodied politics of care in contexts of violence and oppression.

This archive is a living one, so we invite you to return to this page to witness how our project continues to center artistic practices that help us honor the nuances that otherwise escape the bounds of our scholarly research.