Digital Transitions in Transitional Justice
On 4 May 2020, the JEP’s Chamber of Recognition held one of its hearings, in which a member of the public forces provided his version of the events related to Case 03 – the false positives case. Legal representatives, victims, psychological support staff, and government officials were also in attendance. The JEP hearing was business as usual except for one unprecedented difference – it was virtual. Utilizing Microsoft Teams, the member of the public forces connected from Popayán, his lawyer from Bucaramanga, and representatives and victims from Medellín, Bogotá, and the Caribbean Coast.
COVID19 has accelerated the digital transformation that was already spurring changes across Colombia. Human rights organizations have been adapting to Colombia’s digital transformation by deploying tools to further transitional justice efforts in light of COVID19. Institutions such as the JEP, the Truth Commission, and the Land Restitution Unit have all transitioned to digital platforms to continue their work.