Dr Vasuki Nesiah
Vasuki Nesiah teaches at NYU. Recent projects include “Freedom at Sea” (Forthcoming in The London Review of International Law), “Theorizing Transitional Justice” (in the 2016 Oxford Handbook of International Legal Theory) and the co-edited A Global History of Bandung and Critical Traditions in International Law (Cambridge 2017). Forthcoming publications include International Conflict Feminism (in contract, Univ. of Penn.) and a project engaging with questions of reparations and international law history titled Reading the Ruins: Slavery, Colonialism and International Law A founding member of Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), she is also co-editing TWAIL: A Handbook (in contract, Elgar).
Areas of Research
History of human rights; humanitarianism; international criminal law and policy; reparations for colonialism and slavery