Dr Visakesa Chandrasekaram
Visakesa Chandrasekaram is a lawyer, academic and artist. He has made three feature films – Frangipani , Paangshu and Munnnel, which won 2023 Tiger Jury Award. He is the author of two novels and several stage plays. He received his PhD degree from the Australian National University for his research on the use of confessionary evidence under counter-terrorism laws. He has worked in Sri Lanka as a human rights lawyer and in Australia as a consultant to the NSW government. He is currently a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo.
Areas of Research
Law; evidence; gender; film.
- Journey. The Gender, Justice and Security Hub, 2023. 1 hr., 5 min.
- Munnel. Havelock Arts Studio, 2023. 1 hr., 42 min.
- Paangshu. Havelock Arts Studio, 2018. 1 hr., 25 min.
- An Interdisciplinary Study on the Use of Confessionary Evidence in Sri Lanka, a Monograph. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Paangshu. Havelock Arts Studio, 2013. 1 hr., 30 min.